Uses of Class
Packages that use GenForm
Uses of GenForm in org.adempiere.webui.apps.form
Subclasses of GenForm in org.adempiere.webui.apps.formModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Deprecated.ticket IDEMPIERE-1963 replaced this with an Info Windowclass
Deprecated.ticket IDEMPIERE-1965 replaced this with an Info WindowConstructors in org.adempiere.webui.apps.form with parameters of type GenForm -
Uses of GenForm in org.brerp.apps.form
Subclasses of GenForm in org.brerp.apps.formModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generate Shipment (manual) controller class -
Uses of GenForm in org.brerp.tms.ui.apps.form
Subclasses of GenForm in org.brerp.tms.ui.apps.form -
Uses of GenForm in org.compiere.apps.form
Subclasses of GenForm in org.compiere.apps.formModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Deprecated.ticket IDEMPIERE-1963 replaced this with an Info Windowclass
Deprecated.ticket IDEMPIERE-1965 replaced this with an Info Window