Interface I_AD_PrintTableFormat

All Known Implementing Classes:
MPrintTableFormat, X_AD_PrintTableFormat

public interface I_AD_PrintTableFormat
Generated Interface for AD_PrintTableFormat
Release 11
iDempiere (generated)
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getAD_Client_ID

      int getAD_Client_ID()
      Get Tenant. Tenant for this installation.
    • setAD_Image_ID

      void setAD_Image_ID(int AD_Image_ID)
      Set Image. Image or Icon
    • getAD_Image_ID

      int getAD_Image_ID()
      Get Image. Image or Icon
    • getAD_Image

      I_AD_Image getAD_Image() throws RuntimeException
    • setAD_Org_ID

      void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID)
      Set Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • getAD_Org_ID

      int getAD_Org_ID()
      Get Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • setAD_PrintTableFormat_ID

      void setAD_PrintTableFormat_ID(int AD_PrintTableFormat_ID)
      Set Print Table Format. Table Format in Reports
    • getAD_PrintTableFormat_ID

      int getAD_PrintTableFormat_ID()
      Get Print Table Format. Table Format in Reports
    • setAD_PrintTableFormat_UU

      void setAD_PrintTableFormat_UU(String AD_PrintTableFormat_UU)
      Set AD_PrintTableFormat_UU
    • getAD_PrintTableFormat_UU

      String getAD_PrintTableFormat_UU()
      Get AD_PrintTableFormat_UU
    • getCreated

      Timestamp getCreated()
      Get Created. Date this record was created
    • getCreatedBy

      int getCreatedBy()
      Get Created By. User who created this records
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String Description)
      Set Description. Optional short description of the record
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Get Description. Optional short description of the record
    • setFooterCenter

      void setFooterCenter(String FooterCenter)
      Set Footer Center. Content of the center portion of the footer.
    • getFooterCenter

      String getFooterCenter()
      Get Footer Center. Content of the center portion of the footer.
    • setFooterLeft

      void setFooterLeft(String FooterLeft)
      Set Footer Left. Content of the left portion of the footer.
    • getFooterLeft

      String getFooterLeft()
      Get Footer Left. Content of the left portion of the footer.
    • setFooterRight

      void setFooterRight(String FooterRight)
      Set Footer Right. Content of the right portion of the footer.
    • getFooterRight

      String getFooterRight()
      Get Footer Right. Content of the right portion of the footer.
    • setFunctBG_PrintColor_ID

      void setFunctBG_PrintColor_ID(int FunctBG_PrintColor_ID)
      Set Function BG Color. Function Background Color
    • getFunctBG_PrintColor_ID

      int getFunctBG_PrintColor_ID()
      Get Function BG Color. Function Background Color
    • getFunctBG_PrintColor

      I_AD_PrintColor getFunctBG_PrintColor() throws RuntimeException
    • setFunctFG_PrintColor_ID

      void setFunctFG_PrintColor_ID(int FunctFG_PrintColor_ID)
      Set Function Color. Function Foreground Color
    • getFunctFG_PrintColor_ID

      int getFunctFG_PrintColor_ID()
      Get Function Color. Function Foreground Color
    • getFunctFG_PrintColor

      I_AD_PrintColor getFunctFG_PrintColor() throws RuntimeException
    • setFunct_PrintFont_ID

      void setFunct_PrintFont_ID(int Funct_PrintFont_ID)
      Set Function Font. Function row Font
    • getFunct_PrintFont_ID

      int getFunct_PrintFont_ID()
      Get Function Font. Function row Font
    • getFunct_PrintFont

      I_AD_PrintFont getFunct_PrintFont() throws RuntimeException
    • setHdrLine_PrintColor_ID

      void setHdrLine_PrintColor_ID(int HdrLine_PrintColor_ID)
      Set Header Line Color. Table header row line color
    • getHdrLine_PrintColor_ID

      int getHdrLine_PrintColor_ID()
      Get Header Line Color. Table header row line color
    • getHdrLine_PrintColor

      I_AD_PrintColor getHdrLine_PrintColor() throws RuntimeException
    • setHdr_PrintFont_ID

      void setHdr_PrintFont_ID(int Hdr_PrintFont_ID)
      Set Header Row Font. Header row Font
    • getHdr_PrintFont_ID

      int getHdr_PrintFont_ID()
      Get Header Row Font. Header row Font
    • getHdr_PrintFont

      I_AD_PrintFont getHdr_PrintFont() throws RuntimeException
    • setHdrStroke

      void setHdrStroke(BigDecimal HdrStroke)
      Set Header Stroke. Width of the Header Line Stroke
    • getHdrStroke

      BigDecimal getHdrStroke()
      Get Header Stroke. Width of the Header Line Stroke
    • setHdrStrokeType

      void setHdrStrokeType(String HdrStrokeType)
      Set Header Stroke Type. Type of the Header Line Stroke
    • getHdrStrokeType

      String getHdrStrokeType()
      Get Header Stroke Type. Type of the Header Line Stroke
    • setHdrTextBG_PrintColor_ID

      void setHdrTextBG_PrintColor_ID(int HdrTextBG_PrintColor_ID)
      Set Header Row BG Color. Background color of header row
    • getHdrTextBG_PrintColor_ID

      int getHdrTextBG_PrintColor_ID()
      Get Header Row BG Color. Background color of header row
    • getHdrTextBG_PrintColor

      I_AD_PrintColor getHdrTextBG_PrintColor() throws RuntimeException
    • setHdrTextFG_PrintColor_ID

      void setHdrTextFG_PrintColor_ID(int HdrTextFG_PrintColor_ID)
      Set Header Row Color. Foreground color if the table header row
    • getHdrTextFG_PrintColor_ID

      int getHdrTextFG_PrintColor_ID()
      Get Header Row Color. Foreground color if the table header row
    • getHdrTextFG_PrintColor

      I_AD_PrintColor getHdrTextFG_PrintColor() throws RuntimeException
    • setHeaderCenter

      void setHeaderCenter(String HeaderCenter)
      Set Header Center. Content of the center portion of the header.
    • getHeaderCenter

      String getHeaderCenter()
      Get Header Center. Content of the center portion of the header.
    • setHeaderLeft

      void setHeaderLeft(String HeaderLeft)
      Set Header Left. Content of the left portion of the header.
    • getHeaderLeft

      String getHeaderLeft()
      Get Header Left. Content of the left portion of the header.
    • setHeaderRight

      void setHeaderRight(String HeaderRight)
      Set Header Right. Content of the right portion of the header.
    • getHeaderRight

      String getHeaderRight()
      Get Header Right. Content of the right portion of the header.
    • setImageIsAttached

      void setImageIsAttached(boolean ImageIsAttached)
      Set Image attached. The image to be printed is attached to the record
    • isImageIsAttached

      boolean isImageIsAttached()
      Get Image attached. The image to be printed is attached to the record
    • setImageURL

      void setImageURL(String ImageURL)
      Set Image URL. URL of image
    • getImageURL

      String getImageURL()
      Get Image URL. URL of image
    • setIsActive

      void setIsActive(boolean IsActive)
      Set Active. The record is active in the system
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Get Active. The record is active in the system
    • setIsDefault

      void setIsDefault(boolean IsDefault)
      Set Default. Default value
    • isDefault

      boolean isDefault()
      Get Default. Default value
    • setIsMultiLineHeader

      void setIsMultiLineHeader(boolean IsMultiLineHeader)
      Set Multi Line Header. Print column headers on multiple lines if necessary.
    • isMultiLineHeader

      boolean isMultiLineHeader()
      Get Multi Line Header. Print column headers on multiple lines if necessary.
    • setIsPaintBoundaryLines

      void setIsPaintBoundaryLines(boolean IsPaintBoundaryLines)
      Set Paint Boundary Lines. Paint table boundary lines
    • isPaintBoundaryLines

      boolean isPaintBoundaryLines()
      Get Paint Boundary Lines. Paint table boundary lines
    • setIsPaintHeaderLines

      void setIsPaintHeaderLines(boolean IsPaintHeaderLines)
      Set Paint Header Lines. Paint Lines over/under the Header Line
    • isPaintHeaderLines

      boolean isPaintHeaderLines()
      Get Paint Header Lines. Paint Lines over/under the Header Line
    • setIsPaintHLines

      void setIsPaintHLines(boolean IsPaintHLines)
      Set Paint Horizontal Lines. Paint horizontal lines
    • isPaintHLines

      boolean isPaintHLines()
      Get Paint Horizontal Lines. Paint horizontal lines
    • setIsPaintVLines

      void setIsPaintVLines(boolean IsPaintVLines)
      Set Paint Vertical Lines. Paint vertical lines
    • isPaintVLines

      boolean isPaintVLines()
      Get Paint Vertical Lines. Paint vertical lines
    • setIsPrintFunctionSymbols

      void setIsPrintFunctionSymbols(boolean IsPrintFunctionSymbols)
      Set Print Function Symbols. Print Symbols for Functions (Sum, Average, Count)
    • isPrintFunctionSymbols

      boolean isPrintFunctionSymbols()
      Get Print Function Symbols. Print Symbols for Functions (Sum, Average, Count)
    • setLine_PrintColor_ID

      void setLine_PrintColor_ID(int Line_PrintColor_ID)
      Set Line Color. Table line color
    • getLine_PrintColor_ID

      int getLine_PrintColor_ID()
      Get Line Color. Table line color
    • getLine_PrintColor

      I_AD_PrintColor getLine_PrintColor() throws RuntimeException
    • setLineStroke

      void setLineStroke(BigDecimal LineStroke)
      Set Line Stroke. Width of the Line Stroke
    • getLineStroke

      BigDecimal getLineStroke()
      Get Line Stroke. Width of the Line Stroke
    • setLineStrokeType

      void setLineStrokeType(String LineStrokeType)
      Set Line Stroke Type. Type of the Line Stroke
    • getLineStrokeType

      String getLineStrokeType()
      Get Line Stroke Type. Type of the Line Stroke
    • setName

      void setName(String Name)
      Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • getUpdated

      Timestamp getUpdated()
      Get Updated. Date this record was updated
    • getUpdatedBy

      int getUpdatedBy()
      Get Updated By. User who updated this records