Interface I_RV_BPartner

All Known Implementing Classes:
MBPartnerInfo, X_RV_BPartner

public interface I_RV_BPartner
Generated Interface for RV_BPartner
Release 11
iDempiere (generated)
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setAcqusitionCost

      void setAcqusitionCost(BigDecimal AcqusitionCost)
      Set Acquisition Cost. The cost of gaining the prospect as a customer
    • getAcqusitionCost

      BigDecimal getAcqusitionCost()
      Get Acquisition Cost. The cost of gaining the prospect as a customer
    • setActualLifeTimeValue

      void setActualLifeTimeValue(BigDecimal ActualLifeTimeValue)
      Set Actual Life Time Value. Actual Life Time Revenue
    • getActualLifeTimeValue

      BigDecimal getActualLifeTimeValue()
      Get Actual Life Time Value. Actual Life Time Revenue
    • getAD_Client_ID

      int getAD_Client_ID()
      Get Tenant. Tenant for this installation.
    • setAddress1

      void setAddress1(String Address1)
      Set Address 1. Address line 1 for this location
    • getAddress1

      String getAddress1()
      Get Address 1. Address line 1 for this location
    • setAddress2

      void setAddress2(String Address2)
      Set Address 2. Address line 2 for this location
    • getAddress2

      String getAddress2()
      Get Address 2. Address line 2 for this location
    • setAddress3

      void setAddress3(String Address3)
      Set Address 3. Address Line 3 for the location
    • getAddress3

      String getAddress3()
      Get Address 3. Address Line 3 for the location
    • setAddress4

      void setAddress4(String Address4)
      Set Address 4. Address Line 4 for the location
    • getAddress4

      String getAddress4()
      Get Address 4. Address Line 4 for the location
    • setAD_Language

      void setAD_Language(String AD_Language)
      Set Language. Language for this entity
    • getAD_Language

      String getAD_Language()
      Get Language. Language for this entity
    • setAD_OrgBP_ID

      void setAD_OrgBP_ID(int AD_OrgBP_ID)
      Set Linked Organization. The Business Partner is another Organization for explicit Inter-Org transactions
    • getAD_OrgBP_ID

      int getAD_OrgBP_ID()
      Get Linked Organization. The Business Partner is another Organization for explicit Inter-Org transactions
    • setAD_Org_ID

      void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID)
      Set Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • getAD_Org_ID

      int getAD_Org_ID()
      Get Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • setAD_OrgTrx_ID

      void setAD_OrgTrx_ID(int AD_OrgTrx_ID)
      Set Trx Organization. Performing or initiating organization
    • getAD_OrgTrx_ID

      int getAD_OrgTrx_ID()
      Get Trx Organization. Performing or initiating organization
    • setAD_User_AD_Org_ID

      void setAD_User_AD_Org_ID(int AD_User_AD_Org_ID)
      Set AD_User_AD_Org_ID
    • getAD_User_AD_Org_ID

      int getAD_User_AD_Org_ID()
      Get AD_User_AD_Org_ID
    • setAD_User_C_BPartner_ID

      void setAD_User_C_BPartner_ID(int AD_User_C_BPartner_ID)
      Set AD_User_C_BPartner_ID
    • getAD_User_C_BPartner_ID

      int getAD_User_C_BPartner_ID()
      Get AD_User_C_BPartner_ID
    • getAD_User_C_BPartner

      I_C_BPartner getAD_User_C_BPartner() throws RuntimeException
    • setAD_User_C_BPartner_Location_ID

      void setAD_User_C_BPartner_Location_ID(int AD_User_C_BPartner_Location_ID)
      Set AD_User_C_BPartner_Location_ID
    • getAD_User_C_BPartner_Location_ID

      int getAD_User_C_BPartner_Location_ID()
      Get AD_User_C_BPartner_Location_ID
    • getAD_User_C_BPartner_Location

      I_C_BPartner_Location getAD_User_C_BPartner_Location() throws RuntimeException
    • setad_user_created

      void setad_user_created(Timestamp ad_user_created)
      Set ad_user_created
    • getad_user_created

      Timestamp getad_user_created()
      Get ad_user_created
    • setAD_User_CreatedBy

      void setAD_User_CreatedBy(int AD_User_CreatedBy)
      Set ad_user_createdby
    • getAD_User_CreatedBy

      int getAD_User_CreatedBy()
      Get ad_user_createdby
    • getAD_User_Create

      I_AD_User getAD_User_Create() throws RuntimeException
    • setAD_User_ID

      void setAD_User_ID(int AD_User_ID)
      Set User/Contact. User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
    • getAD_User_ID

      int getAD_User_ID()
      Get User/Contact. User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
    • getAD_User

      I_AD_User getAD_User() throws RuntimeException
    • setad_user_isactive

      void setad_user_isactive(boolean ad_user_isactive)
      Set ad_user_isactive
    • isad_user_isactive

      boolean isad_user_isactive()
      Get ad_user_isactive
    • setad_user_updated

      void setad_user_updated(Timestamp ad_user_updated)
      Set ad_user_updated
    • getad_user_updated

      Timestamp getad_user_updated()
      Get ad_user_updated
    • setAD_User_UpdatedBy

      void setAD_User_UpdatedBy(int AD_User_UpdatedBy)
      Set ad_user_updatedby
    • getAD_User_UpdatedBy

      int getAD_User_UpdatedBy()
      Get ad_user_updatedby
    • getAD_User_Update

      I_AD_User getAD_User_Update() throws RuntimeException
    • setad_user_value

      void setad_user_value(String ad_user_value)
      Set ad_user_value
    • getad_user_value

      String getad_user_value()
      Get ad_user_value
    • setBirthday

      void setBirthday(Timestamp Birthday)
      Set Birthday. Birthday or Anniversary day
    • getBirthday

      Timestamp getBirthday()
      Get Birthday. Birthday or Anniversary day
    • setBPartner_Parent_ID

      void setBPartner_Parent_ID(int BPartner_Parent_ID)
      Set Partner Parent. Business Partner Parent
    • getBPartner_Parent_ID

      int getBPartner_Parent_ID()
      Get Partner Parent. Business Partner Parent
    • getBPartner_Parent

      I_C_BPartner getBPartner_Parent() throws RuntimeException
    • setBPContactGreeting

      void setBPContactGreeting(int BPContactGreeting)
      Set BP Contact Greeting. Greeting for Business Partner Contact
    • getBPContactGreeting

      int getBPContactGreeting()
      Get BP Contact Greeting. Greeting for Business Partner Contact
    • getBPContactGreet

      I_C_Greeting getBPContactGreet() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_BPartner_ID

      void setC_BPartner_ID(int C_BPartner_ID)
      Set Business Partner. Identifies a Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner_ID

      int getC_BPartner_ID()
      Get Business Partner. Identifies a Business Partner
    • setC_BPartner_Location_ID

      void setC_BPartner_Location_ID(int C_BPartner_Location_ID)
      Set Partner Location. Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner_Location_ID

      int getC_BPartner_Location_ID()
      Get Partner Location. Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner_Location

      I_C_BPartner_Location getC_BPartner_Location() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_BP_C_TaxGroup_ID

      void setC_BP_C_TaxGroup_ID(int C_BP_C_TaxGroup_ID)
      Set c_bp_c_taxgroup_id
    • getC_BP_C_TaxGroup_ID

      int getC_BP_C_TaxGroup_ID()
      Get c_bp_c_taxgroup_id
    • getC_BP_C_TaxGroup

      I_C_TaxGroup getC_BP_C_TaxGroup() throws RuntimeException
    • setc_bp_dunninggrace

      void setc_bp_dunninggrace(Timestamp c_bp_dunninggrace)
      Set c_bp_dunninggrace
    • getc_bp_dunninggrace

      Timestamp getc_bp_dunninggrace()
      Get c_bp_dunninggrace
    • setC_BP_Group_ID

      void setC_BP_Group_ID(int C_BP_Group_ID)
      Set Business Partner Group. Business Partner Group
    • getC_BP_Group_ID

      int getC_BP_Group_ID()
      Get Business Partner Group. Business Partner Group
    • getC_BP_Group

      I_C_BP_Group getC_BP_Group() throws RuntimeException
    • setc_bp_ismanufacturer

      void setc_bp_ismanufacturer(boolean c_bp_ismanufacturer)
      Set c_bp_ismanufacturer
    • isc_bp_ismanufacturer

      boolean isc_bp_ismanufacturer()
      Get c_bp_ismanufacturer
    • setc_bp_ispotaxexempt

      void setc_bp_ispotaxexempt(boolean c_bp_ispotaxexempt)
      Set c_bp_ispotaxexempt
    • isc_bp_ispotaxexempt

      boolean isc_bp_ispotaxexempt()
      Get c_bp_ispotaxexempt
    • setC_BP_Location_AD_Org_ID

      void setC_BP_Location_AD_Org_ID(int C_BP_Location_AD_Org_ID)
      Set c_bp_location_ad_org_id
    • getC_BP_Location_AD_Org_ID

      int getC_BP_Location_AD_Org_ID()
      Get c_bp_location_ad_org_id
    • setC_BP_Location_C_BPartner_ID

      void setC_BP_Location_C_BPartner_ID(int C_BP_Location_C_BPartner_ID)
      Set c_bpartner_location_c_bpartner_id
    • getC_BP_Location_C_BPartner_ID

      int getC_BP_Location_C_BPartner_ID()
      Get c_bpartner_location_c_bpartner_id
    • getC_BP_Location_C_BPartner

      I_C_BPartner getC_BP_Location_C_BPartner() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_BP_Location_C_Location_ID

      void setC_BP_Location_C_Location_ID(int C_BP_Location_C_Location_ID)
      Set c_bp_location_c_location_id
    • getC_BP_Location_C_Location_ID

      int getC_BP_Location_C_Location_ID()
      Get c_bp_location_c_location_id
    • getC_BP_Location_C_Location

      I_C_Location getC_BP_Location_C_Location() throws RuntimeException
    • setc_bp_location_created

      void setc_bp_location_created(Timestamp c_bp_location_created)
      Set c_bp_location_created
    • getc_bp_location_created

      Timestamp getc_bp_location_created()
      Get c_bp_location_created
    • setC_BP_Location_CreatedBy

      void setC_BP_Location_CreatedBy(int C_BP_Location_CreatedBy)
      Set c_bp_location_createdby
    • getC_BP_Location_CreatedBy

      int getC_BP_Location_CreatedBy()
      Get c_bp_location_createdby
    • getC_BP_Location_Create

      I_AD_User getC_BP_Location_Create() throws RuntimeException
    • setc_bp_location_fax

      void setc_bp_location_fax(String c_bp_location_fax)
      Set c_bp_location_fax
    • getc_bp_location_fax

      String getc_bp_location_fax()
      Get c_bp_location_fax
    • setc_bp_location_isactive

      void setc_bp_location_isactive(boolean c_bp_location_isactive)
      Set c_bp_location_isactive
    • isc_bp_location_isactive

      boolean isc_bp_location_isactive()
      Get c_bp_location_isactive
    • setc_bp_location_isbillto

      void setc_bp_location_isbillto(boolean c_bp_location_isbillto)
      Set c_bp_location_isbillto
    • isc_bp_location_isbillto

      boolean isc_bp_location_isbillto()
      Get c_bp_location_isbillto
    • setc_bp_location_isdn

      void setc_bp_location_isdn(String c_bp_location_isdn)
      Set c_bp_location_isdn
    • getc_bp_location_isdn

      String getc_bp_location_isdn()
      Get c_bp_location_isdn
    • setc_bp_location_ispayfrom

      void setc_bp_location_ispayfrom(boolean c_bp_location_ispayfrom)
      Set c_bp_location_ispayfrom
    • isc_bp_location_ispayfrom

      boolean isc_bp_location_ispayfrom()
      Get c_bp_location_ispayfrom
    • setc_bp_location_isremitto

      void setc_bp_location_isremitto(boolean c_bp_location_isremitto)
      Set c_bp_location_isremitto
    • isc_bp_location_isremitto

      boolean isc_bp_location_isremitto()
      Get c_bp_location_isremitto
    • setc_bp_location_isshipto

      void setc_bp_location_isshipto(boolean c_bp_location_isshipto)
      Set c_bp_location_isshipto
    • isc_bp_location_isshipto

      boolean isc_bp_location_isshipto()
      Get c_bp_location_isshipto
    • setc_bp_location_name

      void setc_bp_location_name(String c_bp_location_name)
      Set c_bp_location_name
    • getc_bp_location_name

      String getc_bp_location_name()
      Get c_bp_location_name
    • setc_bp_location_phone

      void setc_bp_location_phone(String c_bp_location_phone)
      Set c_bp_location_phone
    • getc_bp_location_phone

      String getc_bp_location_phone()
      Get c_bp_location_phone
    • setc_bp_location_phone2

      void setc_bp_location_phone2(String c_bp_location_phone2)
      Set c_bp_location_phone2
    • getc_bp_location_phone2

      String getc_bp_location_phone2()
      Get c_bp_location_phone2
    • setC_BP_Location_SalesRegion_ID

      void setC_BP_Location_SalesRegion_ID(int C_BP_Location_SalesRegion_ID)
      Set c_bp_location_salesregion_id
    • getC_BP_Location_SalesRegion_ID

      int getC_BP_Location_SalesRegion_ID()
      Get c_bp_location_salesregion_id
    • getC_BP_Location_SalesRegion

      I_C_SalesRegion getC_BP_Location_SalesRegion() throws RuntimeException
    • setc_bp_location_updated

      void setc_bp_location_updated(Timestamp c_bp_location_updated)
      Set c_bp_location_updated
    • getc_bp_location_updated

      Timestamp getc_bp_location_updated()
      Get c_bp_location_updated
    • setC_BP_Location_UpdatedBy

      void setC_BP_Location_UpdatedBy(int C_BP_Location_UpdatedBy)
      Set c_bp_location_updatedby
    • getC_BP_Location_UpdatedBy

      int getC_BP_Location_UpdatedBy()
      Get c_bp_location_updatedby
    • getC_BP_Location_Update

      I_AD_User getC_BP_Location_Update() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_BP_Logo_ID

      void setC_BP_Logo_ID(int C_BP_Logo_ID)
      Set c_bp_logo_id
    • getC_BP_Logo_ID

      int getC_BP_Logo_ID()
      Get c_bp_logo_id
    • setC_City_ID

      void setC_City_ID(int C_City_ID)
      Set City. City
    • getC_City_ID

      int getC_City_ID()
      Get City. City
    • getC_City

      I_C_City getC_City() throws RuntimeException
    • setc_country_ad_language

      void setc_country_ad_language(String c_country_ad_language)
      Set c_country_ad_language
    • getc_country_ad_language

      String getc_country_ad_language()
      Get c_country_ad_language
    • setC_Country_C_Currency_ID

      void setC_Country_C_Currency_ID(int C_Country_C_Currency_ID)
      Set c_country_c_currency_id
    • getC_Country_C_Currency_ID

      int getC_Country_C_Currency_ID()
      Get c_country_c_currency_id
    • getC_Country_C_Currency

      I_C_Currency getC_Country_C_Currency() throws RuntimeException
    • setc_country_description

      void setc_country_description(String c_country_description)
      Set c_country_description
    • getc_country_description

      String getc_country_description()
      Get c_country_description
    • setC_Country_ID

      void setC_Country_ID(int C_Country_ID)
      Set Country. Country
    • getC_Country_ID

      int getC_Country_ID()
      Get Country. Country
    • getC_Country

      I_C_Country getC_Country() throws RuntimeException
    • setc_country_isactive

      void setc_country_isactive(boolean c_country_isactive)
      Set c_country_isactive
    • isc_country_isactive

      boolean isc_country_isactive()
      Get c_country_isactive
    • setC_Dunning_ID

      void setC_Dunning_ID(int C_Dunning_ID)
      Set Dunning. Dunning Rules for overdue invoices
    • getC_Dunning_ID

      int getC_Dunning_ID()
      Get Dunning. Dunning Rules for overdue invoices
    • getC_Dunning

      I_C_Dunning getC_Dunning() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_Greeting_ID

      void setC_Greeting_ID(int C_Greeting_ID)
      Set Greeting. Greeting to print on correspondence
    • getC_Greeting_ID

      int getC_Greeting_ID()
      Get Greeting. Greeting to print on correspondence
    • getC_Greeting

      I_C_Greeting getC_Greeting() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_InvoiceSchedule_ID

      void setC_InvoiceSchedule_ID(int C_InvoiceSchedule_ID)
      Set Invoice Schedule. Schedule for generating Invoices
    • getC_InvoiceSchedule_ID

      int getC_InvoiceSchedule_ID()
      Get Invoice Schedule. Schedule for generating Invoices
    • getC_InvoiceSchedule

      I_C_InvoiceSchedule getC_InvoiceSchedule() throws RuntimeException
    • setCity

      void setCity(String City)
      Set City. Identifies a City
    • getCity

      String getCity()
      Get City. Identifies a City
    • setC_Location_AD_Org_ID

      void setC_Location_AD_Org_ID(int C_Location_AD_Org_ID)
      Set c_location_ad_org_id
    • getC_Location_AD_Org_ID

      int getC_Location_AD_Org_ID()
      Get c_location_ad_org_id
    • setc_location_created

      void setc_location_created(Timestamp c_location_created)
      Set c_location_created
    • getc_location_created

      Timestamp getc_location_created()
      Get c_location_created
    • setC_Location_CreatedBy

      void setC_Location_CreatedBy(int C_Location_CreatedBy)
      Set c_location_createdby
    • getC_Location_CreatedBy

      int getC_Location_CreatedBy()
      Get c_location_createdby
    • getC_Location_Create

      I_AD_User getC_Location_Create() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_Location_ID

      void setC_Location_ID(int C_Location_ID)
      Set Address. Location or Address
    • getC_Location_ID

      int getC_Location_ID()
      Get Address. Location or Address
    • getC_Location

      I_C_Location getC_Location() throws RuntimeException
    • setc_location_isactive

      void setc_location_isactive(boolean c_location_isactive)
      Set c_location_isactive
    • isc_location_isactive

      boolean isc_location_isactive()
      Get c_location_isactive
    • setc_location_updated

      void setc_location_updated(Timestamp c_location_updated)
      Set c_location_updated
    • getc_location_updated

      Timestamp getc_location_updated()
      Get c_location_updated
    • setC_Location_UpdatedBy

      void setC_Location_UpdatedBy(int C_Location_UpdatedBy)
      Set c_location_updatedby
    • getC_Location_UpdatedBy

      int getC_Location_UpdatedBy()
      Get c_location_updatedby
    • getC_Location_Update

      I_AD_User getC_Location_Update() throws RuntimeException
    • setComments

      void setComments(String Comments)
      Set Comments. Comments or additional information
    • getComments

      String getComments()
      Get Comments. Comments or additional information
    • setContactDescription

      void setContactDescription(String ContactDescription)
      Set Contact Description. Description of Contact
    • getContactDescription

      String getContactDescription()
      Get Contact Description. Description of Contact
    • setContactName

      void setContactName(String ContactName)
      Set Contact Name. Business Partner Contact Name
    • getContactName

      String getContactName()
      Get Contact Name. Business Partner Contact Name
    • setCountryCode

      void setCountryCode(String CountryCode)
      Set ISO Country Code. Upper-case two-letter alphanumeric ISO Country code according to ISO 3166-1 -
    • getCountryCode

      String getCountryCode()
      Get ISO Country Code. Upper-case two-letter alphanumeric ISO Country code according to ISO 3166-1 -
    • setCountryName

      void setCountryName(String CountryName)
      Set Country. Country Name
    • getCountryName

      String getCountryName()
      Get Country. Country Name
    • setC_PaymentTerm_ID

      void setC_PaymentTerm_ID(int C_PaymentTerm_ID)
      Set Payment Term. The terms of Payment (timing, discount)
    • getC_PaymentTerm_ID

      int getC_PaymentTerm_ID()
      Get Payment Term. The terms of Payment (timing, discount)
    • getC_PaymentTerm

      I_C_PaymentTerm getC_PaymentTerm() throws RuntimeException
    • getCreated

      Timestamp getCreated()
      Get Created. Date this record was created
    • getCreatedBy

      int getCreatedBy()
      Get Created By. User who created this records
    • setC_Region_AD_Org_ID

      void setC_Region_AD_Org_ID(int C_Region_AD_Org_ID)
      Set c_region_ad_org_id
    • getC_Region_AD_Org_ID

      int getC_Region_AD_Org_ID()
      Get c_region_ad_org_id
    • setC_Region_C_Country_ID

      void setC_Region_C_Country_ID(int C_Region_C_Country_ID)
      Set c_region_c_country_id
    • getC_Region_C_Country_ID

      int getC_Region_C_Country_ID()
      Get c_region_c_country_id
    • setc_region_description

      void setc_region_description(String c_region_description)
      Set c_region_description
    • getc_region_description

      String getc_region_description()
      Get c_region_description
    • setC_Region_ID

      void setC_Region_ID(int C_Region_ID)
      Set Region. Identifies a geographical Region
    • getC_Region_ID

      int getC_Region_ID()
      Get Region. Identifies a geographical Region
    • getC_Region

      I_C_Region getC_Region() throws RuntimeException
    • setc_region_isactive

      void setc_region_isactive(boolean c_region_isactive)
      Set c_region_isactive
    • isc_region_isactive

      boolean isc_region_isactive()
      Get c_region_isactive
    • setDeliveryRule

      void setDeliveryRule(String DeliveryRule)
      Set Delivery Rule. Defines the timing of Delivery
    • getDeliveryRule

      String getDeliveryRule()
      Get Delivery Rule. Defines the timing of Delivery
    • setDeliveryViaRule

      void setDeliveryViaRule(String DeliveryViaRule)
      Set Delivery Via. How the order will be delivered
    • getDeliveryViaRule

      String getDeliveryViaRule()
      Get Delivery Via. How the order will be delivered
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String Description)
      Set Description. Optional short description of the record
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Get Description. Optional short description of the record
    • setDocumentCopies

      void setDocumentCopies(int DocumentCopies)
      Set Document Copies. Number of copies to be printed
    • getDocumentCopies

      int getDocumentCopies()
      Get Document Copies. Number of copies to be printed
    • setDUNS

      void setDUNS(String DUNS)
      Set D-U-N-S. Dun & Bradstreet Number
    • getDUNS

      String getDUNS()
      Get D-U-N-S. Dun & Bradstreet Number
    • setEMail

      void setEMail(String EMail)
      Set EMail Address. Electronic Mail Address
    • getEMail

      String getEMail()
      Get EMail Address. Electronic Mail Address
    • setEMailUser

      void setEMailUser(String EMailUser)
      Set EMail User ID. User Name (ID) in the Mail System
    • getEMailUser

      String getEMailUser()
      Get EMail User ID. User Name (ID) in the Mail System
    • setEMailVerify

      void setEMailVerify(String EMailVerify)
      Set Verification Info. Verification information of EMail Address
    • getEMailVerify

      String getEMailVerify()
      Get Verification Info. Verification information of EMail Address
    • setEMailVerifyDate

      void setEMailVerifyDate(Timestamp EMailVerifyDate)
      Set EMail Verify. Date Email was verified
    • getEMailVerifyDate

      Timestamp getEMailVerifyDate()
      Get EMail Verify. Date Email was verified
    • setFax

      void setFax(String Fax)
      Set Fax. Facsimile number
    • getFax

      String getFax()
      Get Fax. Facsimile number
    • setFirstSale

      void setFirstSale(Timestamp FirstSale)
      Set First Sale. Date of First Sale
    • getFirstSale

      Timestamp getFirstSale()
      Get First Sale. Date of First Sale
    • setFlatDiscount

      void setFlatDiscount(BigDecimal FlatDiscount)
      Set Flat Discount %. Flat discount percentage
    • getFlatDiscount

      BigDecimal getFlatDiscount()
      Get Flat Discount %. Flat discount percentage
    • setFreightCostRule

      void setFreightCostRule(String FreightCostRule)
      Set Freight Cost Rule. Method for charging Freight
    • getFreightCostRule

      String getFreightCostRule()
      Get Freight Cost Rule. Method for charging Freight
    • setInvoice_PrintFormat_ID

      void setInvoice_PrintFormat_ID(int Invoice_PrintFormat_ID)
      Set Invoice Print Format. Print Format for printing Invoices
    • getInvoice_PrintFormat_ID

      int getInvoice_PrintFormat_ID()
      Get Invoice Print Format. Print Format for printing Invoices
    • getInvoice_PrintFormat

      I_AD_PrintFormat getInvoice_PrintFormat() throws RuntimeException
    • setInvoiceRule

      void setInvoiceRule(String InvoiceRule)
      Set Invoice Rule. Frequency and method of invoicing
    • getInvoiceRule

      String getInvoiceRule()
      Get Invoice Rule. Frequency and method of invoicing
    • setIsActive

      void setIsActive(boolean IsActive)
      Set Active. The record is active in the system
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Get Active. The record is active in the system
    • setIsCustomer

      void setIsCustomer(boolean IsCustomer)
      Set Customer. Indicates if this Business Partner is a Customer
    • isCustomer

      boolean isCustomer()
      Get Customer. Indicates if this Business Partner is a Customer
    • setIsDefault

      void setIsDefault(boolean IsDefault)
      Set Default. Default value
    • isDefault

      boolean isDefault()
      Get Default. Default value
    • setIsDiscountPrinted

      void setIsDiscountPrinted(boolean IsDiscountPrinted)
      Set Discount Printed. Print Discount on Invoice and Order
    • isDiscountPrinted

      boolean isDiscountPrinted()
      Get Discount Printed. Print Discount on Invoice and Order
    • setIsEmployee

      void setIsEmployee(boolean IsEmployee)
      Set Employee. Indicates if this Business Partner is an employee
    • isEmployee

      boolean isEmployee()
      Get Employee. Indicates if this Business Partner is an employee
    • setIsOneTime

      void setIsOneTime(boolean IsOneTime)
      Set One time transaction
    • isOneTime

      boolean isOneTime()
      Get One time transaction
    • setIsProspect

      void setIsProspect(boolean IsProspect)
      Set Prospect. Indicates this is a Prospect
    • isProspect

      boolean isProspect()
      Get Prospect. Indicates this is a Prospect
    • setIsSalesRep

      void setIsSalesRep(boolean IsSalesRep)
      Set Sales Representative. Indicates if the business partner is a sales representative or company agent
    • isSalesRep

      boolean isSalesRep()
      Get Sales Representative. Indicates if the business partner is a sales representative or company agent
    • setIsSummary

      void setIsSummary(boolean IsSummary)
      Set Summary Level. This is a summary entity
    • isSummary

      boolean isSummary()
      Get Summary Level. This is a summary entity
    • setIsTaxExempt

      void setIsTaxExempt(boolean IsTaxExempt)
      Set SO Tax exempt. Business partner is exempt from tax on sales
    • isTaxExempt

      boolean isTaxExempt()
      Get SO Tax exempt. Business partner is exempt from tax on sales
    • setIsVendor

      void setIsVendor(boolean IsVendor)
      Set Vendor. Indicates if this Business Partner is a Vendor
    • isVendor

      boolean isVendor()
      Get Vendor. Indicates if this Business Partner is a Vendor
    • setLastContact

      void setLastContact(Timestamp LastContact)
      Set Last Contact. Date this individual was last contacted
    • getLastContact

      Timestamp getLastContact()
      Get Last Contact. Date this individual was last contacted
    • setLastResult

      void setLastResult(String LastResult)
      Set Last Result. Result of last contact
    • getLastResult

      String getLastResult()
      Get Last Result. Result of last contact
    • setLDAPUser

      void setLDAPUser(boolean LDAPUser)
      Set LDAP User Name. User Name used for authorization via LDAP (directory) services
    • isLDAPUser

      boolean isLDAPUser()
      Get LDAP User Name. User Name used for authorization via LDAP (directory) services
    • setM_DiscountSchema_ID

      void setM_DiscountSchema_ID(int M_DiscountSchema_ID)
      Set Discount Schema. Schema to calculate the trade discount percentage
    • getM_DiscountSchema_ID

      int getM_DiscountSchema_ID()
      Get Discount Schema. Schema to calculate the trade discount percentage
    • getM_DiscountSchema

      I_M_DiscountSchema getM_DiscountSchema() throws RuntimeException
    • setM_PriceList_ID

      void setM_PriceList_ID(int M_PriceList_ID)
      Set Price List. Unique identifier of a Price List
    • getM_PriceList_ID

      int getM_PriceList_ID()
      Get Price List. Unique identifier of a Price List
    • getM_PriceList

      I_M_PriceList getM_PriceList() throws RuntimeException
    • setNAICS

      void setNAICS(String NAICS)
      Set NAICS/SIC. Standard Industry Code or its successor NAIC -
    • getNAICS

      String getNAICS()
      Get NAICS/SIC. Standard Industry Code or its successor NAIC -
    • setName

      void setName(String Name)
      Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • setName2

      void setName2(String Name2)
      Set Name 2. Additional Name
    • getName2

      String getName2()
      Get Name 2. Additional Name
    • setNotificationType

      void setNotificationType(String NotificationType)
      Set Notification Type. Type of Notifications
    • getNotificationType

      String getNotificationType()
      Get Notification Type. Type of Notifications
    • setNumberEmployees

      void setNumberEmployees(int NumberEmployees)
      Set Employees. Number of employees
    • getNumberEmployees

      int getNumberEmployees()
      Get Employees. Number of employees
    • setPaymentRule

      void setPaymentRule(String PaymentRule)
      Set Payment Rule. How you pay the invoice
    • getPaymentRule

      String getPaymentRule()
      Get Payment Rule. How you pay the invoice
    • setPaymentRulePO

      void setPaymentRulePO(String PaymentRulePO)
      Set Payment Rule. Purchase payment option
    • getPaymentRulePO

      String getPaymentRulePO()
      Get Payment Rule. Purchase payment option
    • setPhone

      void setPhone(String Phone)
      Set Phone. Identifies a telephone number
    • getPhone

      String getPhone()
      Get Phone. Identifies a telephone number
    • setPhone2

      void setPhone2(String Phone2)
      Set 2nd Phone. Identifies an alternate telephone number.
    • getPhone2

      String getPhone2()
      Get 2nd Phone. Identifies an alternate telephone number.
    • setPO_DiscountSchema_ID

      void setPO_DiscountSchema_ID(int PO_DiscountSchema_ID)
      Set PO Discount Schema. Schema to calculate the purchase trade discount percentage
    • getPO_DiscountSchema_ID

      int getPO_DiscountSchema_ID()
      Get PO Discount Schema. Schema to calculate the purchase trade discount percentage
    • getPO_DiscountSchema

      I_M_DiscountSchema getPO_DiscountSchema() throws RuntimeException
    • setPO_PaymentTerm_ID

      void setPO_PaymentTerm_ID(int PO_PaymentTerm_ID)
      Set PO Payment Term. Payment rules for a purchase order
    • getPO_PaymentTerm_ID

      int getPO_PaymentTerm_ID()
      Get PO Payment Term. Payment rules for a purchase order
    • getPO_PaymentTerm

      I_C_PaymentTerm getPO_PaymentTerm() throws RuntimeException
    • setPO_PriceList_ID

      void setPO_PriceList_ID(int PO_PriceList_ID)
      Set Purchase Price List. Price List used by this Business Partner
    • getPO_PriceList_ID

      int getPO_PriceList_ID()
      Get Purchase Price List. Price List used by this Business Partner
    • getPO_PriceList

      I_M_PriceList getPO_PriceList() throws RuntimeException
    • setPOReference

      void setPOReference(String POReference)
      Set Order Reference. Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner
    • getPOReference

      String getPOReference()
      Get Order Reference. Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner
    • setPostal

      void setPostal(String Postal)
      Set ZIP. Postal code
    • getPostal

      String getPostal()
      Get ZIP. Postal code
    • setPostal_Add

      void setPostal_Add(String Postal_Add)
      Set Additional Zip. Additional ZIP or Postal code
    • getPostal_Add

      String getPostal_Add()
      Get Additional Zip. Additional ZIP or Postal code
    • setPotentialLifeTimeValue

      void setPotentialLifeTimeValue(BigDecimal PotentialLifeTimeValue)
      Set Potential Life Time Value. Total Revenue expected
    • getPotentialLifeTimeValue

      BigDecimal getPotentialLifeTimeValue()
      Get Potential Life Time Value. Total Revenue expected
    • setRating

      void setRating(String Rating)
      Set Rating. Classification or Importance
    • getRating

      String getRating()
      Get Rating. Classification or Importance
    • setReferenceNo

      void setReferenceNo(String ReferenceNo)
      Set Reference No. Your customer or vendor number at the Business Partner' s site
    • getReferenceNo

      String getReferenceNo()
      Get Reference No. Your customer or vendor number at the Business Partner' s site
    • setRegionName

      void setRegionName(String RegionName)
      Set Region. Name of the Region
    • getRegionName

      String getRegionName()
      Get Region. Name of the Region
    • setSalesRep_ID

      void setSalesRep_ID(int SalesRep_ID)
      Set Sales Representative. Sales Representative or Company Agent
    • getSalesRep_ID

      int getSalesRep_ID()
      Get Sales Representative. Sales Representative or Company Agent
    • getSalesRep

      I_AD_User getSalesRep() throws RuntimeException
    • setSalesVolume

      void setSalesVolume(BigDecimal SalesVolume)
      Set Sales Volume in 1.000. Total Volume of Sales in Thousands of Currency
    • getSalesVolume

      BigDecimal getSalesVolume()
      Get Sales Volume in 1.000. Total Volume of Sales in Thousands of Currency
    • setSendEMail

      void setSendEMail(boolean SendEMail)
      Set Send EMail. Enable sending Document EMail
    • isSendEMail

      boolean isSendEMail()
      Get Send EMail. Enable sending Document EMail
    • setShareOfCustomer

      void setShareOfCustomer(int ShareOfCustomer)
      Set Share. Share of Customer' s business as a percentage
    • getShareOfCustomer

      int getShareOfCustomer()
      Get Share. Share of Customer' s business as a percentage
    • setShelfLifeMinPct

      void setShelfLifeMinPct(int ShelfLifeMinPct)
      Set Min Shelf Life %. Minimum Shelf Life in percent based on Product Instance Guarantee Date
    • getShelfLifeMinPct

      int getShelfLifeMinPct()
      Get Min Shelf Life %. Minimum Shelf Life in percent based on Product Instance Guarantee Date
    • setSO_CreditAvailable

      void setSO_CreditAvailable(BigDecimal SO_CreditAvailable)
      Set Credit Available. Available Credit based on Credit Limit (not Total Open Balance) and Credit Used
    • getSO_CreditAvailable

      BigDecimal getSO_CreditAvailable()
      Get Credit Available. Available Credit based on Credit Limit (not Total Open Balance) and Credit Used
    • setSO_CreditLimit

      void setSO_CreditLimit(BigDecimal SO_CreditLimit)
      Set Credit Limit. Total outstanding invoice amounts allowed
    • getSO_CreditLimit

      BigDecimal getSO_CreditLimit()
      Get Credit Limit. Total outstanding invoice amounts allowed
    • setSOCreditStatus

      void setSOCreditStatus(String SOCreditStatus)
      Set Credit Status. Business Partner Credit Status
    • getSOCreditStatus

      String getSOCreditStatus()
      Get Credit Status. Business Partner Credit Status
    • setSO_CreditUsed

      void setSO_CreditUsed(BigDecimal SO_CreditUsed)
      Set Credit Used. Current open balance
    • getSO_CreditUsed

      BigDecimal getSO_CreditUsed()
      Get Credit Used. Current open balance
    • setSO_Description

      void setSO_Description(String SO_Description)
      Set Order Description. Description to be used on orders
    • getSO_Description

      String getSO_Description()
      Get Order Description. Description to be used on orders
    • setSupervisor_ID

      void setSupervisor_ID(int Supervisor_ID)
      Set Supervisor. Supervisor for this user/organization - used for escalation and approval
    • getSupervisor_ID

      int getSupervisor_ID()
      Get Supervisor. Supervisor for this user/organization - used for escalation and approval
    • getSupervisor

      I_AD_User getSupervisor() throws RuntimeException
    • setTaxID

      void setTaxID(String TaxID)
      Set Tax ID. Tax Identification
    • getTaxID

      String getTaxID()
      Get Tax ID. Tax Identification
    • setTitle

      void setTitle(String Title)
      Set Title. Name this entity is referred to as
    • getTitle

      String getTitle()
      Get Title. Name this entity is referred to as
    • setTotalOpenBalance

      void setTotalOpenBalance(BigDecimal TotalOpenBalance)
      Set Open Balance. Total Open Balance Amount in primary Accounting Currency
    • getTotalOpenBalance

      BigDecimal getTotalOpenBalance()
      Get Open Balance. Total Open Balance Amount in primary Accounting Currency
    • getUpdated

      Timestamp getUpdated()
      Get Updated. Date this record was updated
    • getUpdatedBy

      int getUpdatedBy()
      Get Updated By. User who updated this records
    • setURL

      void setURL(String URL)
      Set URL. Full URL address - e.g.
    • getURL

      String getURL()
      Get URL. Full URL address - e.g.
    • setValue

      void setValue(String Value)
      Set Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
    • getValue

      String getValue()
      Get Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique