Uses of Class
Packages that use MOrgInfo
This is the package that contains the majority of iDempiere's generated model class and interface.
Provide majority of iDempiere's extended model class (M*).
Provide majority of iDempiere's extended model class (M*).
Uses of MOrgInfo in org.brerp.base.model
Methods in org.brerp.base.model with parameters of type MOrgInfo -
Uses of MOrgInfo in org.brerp.sped.nfe.grid
Methods in org.brerp.sped.nfe.grid that return MOrgInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected MOrgInfo
(br.inf.portalfiscal.nfe.schema.nfe.TNFe nfe) Get OrgInfoprotected MOrgInfo
(StringBuilder xml) Get OrgInfo -
Uses of MOrgInfo in org.brerp.sped.nfe.model
Methods in org.brerp.sped.nfe.model with parameters of type MOrgInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String chaveNFe, MOrgInfo oi) MLBRDocFiscal.getIdentificadorLocalDestino
(int C_BPartner_Location_ID, MOrgInfo orgInfo) Com base nas informações da Organização e PN, Define O idenficador do Loca de Destino da Operação. -
Uses of MOrgInfo in org.brerp.sped.nfe.process
Methods in org.brerp.sped.nfe.process with parameters of type MOrgInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic br.inf.portalfiscal.nfe.schema.retdistdfeint.RetDistDFeInt
Consulta a SeFaz para fazer o Download do arquivo XML da NFestatic br.inf.portalfiscal.nfe.schema.retdistdfeint.RetDistDFeInt
Consulta o Parceiro de Negócios na SeFaz -
Uses of MOrgInfo in org.brerp.sped.nfe.util
Fields in org.brerp.sped.nfe.util declared as MOrgInfoMethods in org.brerp.sped.nfe.util that return MOrgInfoMethods in org.brerp.sped.nfe.util with parameters of type MOrgInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic StringBuilder
(StringBuilder xml, MOrgInfo oi, String docType) Assina o arquivo XMLstatic String
(MOrgInfo oi) Pega o código da cidadestatic int
(MOrgInfo oi) Pega o código do estadostatic void
(MOrgInfo infoOrganizacao, Properties ctx) void
(MOrgInfo orgInfo) Constructors in org.brerp.sped.nfe.util with parameters of type MOrgInfoModifierConstructorDescriptionNFeConfig
(MOrgInfo orgInfo, String envType, String nfeTpEmi, int C_Region_ID, String region, MLBRDigitalCertificate dcOrg, MLBRDigitalCertificate dcWS) -
Uses of MOrgInfo in org.compiere.model
Methods in org.compiere.model that return MOrgInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic MOrgInfo
(int AD_Org_ID) Get MOrgInfo from cache (immutable)static MOrgInfo
Get MOrgInfo from cache (immutable)static MOrgInfo
(Properties ctx, int AD_Org_ID) Get MOrgInfo from cache (immutable)static MOrgInfo
(Properties ctx, int AD_Org_ID, String trxName) Get MOrgInfo from cache (immutable)static MOrgInfo
(Properties ctx, int AD_Org_ID, String trxName) Get updateable copy of MOrgInfo from cacheMOrg.getInfo()
Get Org InfoMOrgInfo.markImmutable()
Constructors in org.compiere.model with parameters of type MOrgInfoModifierConstructorDescriptionMOrgInfo
(Properties ctx, MOrgInfo copy) Copy constructorMOrgInfo
(Properties ctx, MOrgInfo copy, String trxName) Copy constructorCopy constructor