Uses of Class
Packages that use ProcessInfo
Provide interface and classes for working with and handling different types of OSGi events
Provide annotation for process event
One of the package that provide extended model class for iDempiere core tables.
Provide generic PO implementation that doesn't use generated model class.
Provide interface for tax provider, shipment processor, zoom provider and address validation.
Provide iDempiere model interface (I_*) wrapper for PO and GridTab.
Provide implementation of order promotion rule and zoom across targets.
Provide generic PO implementation that doesn't use generated model class.
Provide interface for tax provider, shipment processor, zoom provider and address validation.
Provide iDempiere model interface (I_*) wrapper for PO and GridTab.
Provide implementation of order promotion rule and zoom across targets.
One of the package that provide implementation of iDempiere core processes.
Provide utility and helper classes.
Provide server context implementation.
Provide classes for generation of model and interfaces for table.
Provide server context implementation.
Provide classes for generation of model and interfaces for table.
Provide interface and classes for table partitioning support
This is the package that contains the majority of iDempiere's generated model class and interface.
Provide majority of iDempiere's extended model class (M*).
Provide majority of iDempiere's extended model class (M*).
Provide interface and classes for iDempiere reporting engine.
Provide classes and interface for iDempiere process.
Provide implementation for conversion of amount to word.
Provide global cache, server log, JDBC interface, Transaction and Email implementation.
Provide global cache, server log, JDBC interface, Transaction and Email implementation.
Provide iDempiere workflow engine implementation
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.adempiere.base.event
Methods in org.adempiere.base.event that return ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected ProcessInfo
(org.osgi.service.event.Event event) static ProcessInfo
(org.osgi.service.event.Event event) -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.adempiere.base.event.annotations.process
Methods in org.adempiere.base.event.annotations.process that return ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected ProcessInfo
Get process info -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.adempiere.model
Methods in org.adempiere.model with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionITaxProvider.validateConnection
(MTaxProvider provider, ProcessInfo pi) Validate connection to online tax calculation service. -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.adempiere.plugin.utils
Methods in org.adempiere.plugin.utils that return ProcessInfoMethods in org.adempiere.plugin.utils with parameters of type ProcessInfo -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.adempiere.process
Methods in org.adempiere.process that return ProcessInfo -
Uses of ProcessInfo in
Methods in with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAttachmentResourceLoader.getReportFile
(ProcessInfo processInfo, String reportPath) Get report file from process attachmentstatic void
(net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter export, net.sf.jasperreports.export.SimpleExporterConfiguration config, ProcessInfo pi) sent event to customize pdf export configurationboolean
(Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) Start the process. -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.adempiere.util
Methods in org.adempiere.util with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ProcessInfo pi) Lock User Interface.static boolean
(ProcessInfo processInfo, String ProcedureName, Trx trx) Start database store procedurestatic boolean
(ProcessInfo processInfo, String ProcedureName, Trx trx, boolean managedTrx) Start database store procedurestatic boolean
(Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) static boolean
(Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx, boolean managedTrx) static boolean
(Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx, boolean managedTrx, IProcessUI processMonitor) static boolean
(ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) Deprecated.static boolean
(Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) Start a java process without closing the given transaction.static boolean
(Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) Start process written in script (javascript, groovy, etc)static MWFProcess
(Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, int AD_Workflow_ID) Start workflowvoid
(ProcessInfo pi) Unlock User Interface. -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.adempiere.webui.adwindow
Methods in org.adempiere.webui.adwindow with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ProcessInfo pi) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.adempiere.webui.apps
Methods in org.adempiere.webui.apps that return ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAbstractProcessDialog.getProcessInfo()
Methods in org.adempiere.webui.apps with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected boolean
(Properties ctx, int WindowNo, int TabNo, int AD_Process_ID, ProcessInfo pi, boolean autoStart, boolean isDisposeOnComplete) layout dialogprotected boolean
(Properties ctx, int WindowNo, int AD_Process_ID, ProcessInfo pi, boolean autoStart, boolean isDisposeOnComplete) layout as belowboolean
(ProcessInfo pi) Load parameters from Process Infovoid
(ProcessInfo pi) Lock UI by showing of busy dialog (AbstractProcessDialog.progressWindow
).static void
(int WindowNo, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) static void
(int WindowNo, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx, org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener<org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event> listener) Open ProcessModalDialog to run process.static void
(IProcessUI aProcessUI, int WindowNo, IProcessParameter parameter, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) Save parameters and execute process.void
(ProcessInfo pi) void
(ProcessInfo processInfo) void
(ProcessInfo pi) Unlock dialog upon completion of process (or upon submission of job if process is running as background job).Constructors in org.adempiere.webui.apps with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifierConstructorDescriptionProcessModalDialog
(int WindowNo, ProcessInfo pi, boolean autoStart) ProcessModalDialog
(org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener<org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event> listener, int WindowNo, boolean isReRun, ProcessInfo pi) ProcessModalDialog
(org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener<org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event> listener, int WindowNo, int TabNo, ProcessInfo pi, boolean autoStart) ProcessModalDialog
(org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener<org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event> listener, int WindowNo, ProcessInfo pi) ProcessModalDialog
(org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener<org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event> listener, int WindowNo, ProcessInfo pi, boolean autoStart) ProcessParameterPanel
(int WindowNo, int tabNo, ProcessInfo pi) Dynamic generated Parameter panel.ProcessParameterPanel
(int WindowNo, ProcessInfo pi) Dynamic generated Parameter panel.WProcessCtl
(IProcessUI aProcessUI, int WindowNo, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.adempiere.webui.apps.form
Methods in org.adempiere.webui.apps.form that return ProcessInfoMethods in org.adempiere.webui.apps.form with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ProcessInfo pi) Lock User Interface.void
(ProcessInfo pi) Unlock User Interface. -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.adempiere.webui.component
Methods in org.adempiere.webui.component with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ProcessInfoDialog
(ProcessInfo pi, int windowNo, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component comp, boolean needFillLogFromDb) after run a process, call this function to show result in a dialogConstructors in org.adempiere.webui.component with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifierConstructorDescriptionProcessInfoDialog
(String title, String header, ProcessInfo pi, boolean needFillLogFromDb) Deprecated.ProcessInfoDialog
(ProcessInfo pi, boolean needFillLogFromDb) show result after run a process -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.adempiere.webui.panel
Methods in org.adempiere.webui.panel that return ProcessInfoMethods in org.adempiere.webui.panel with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ADForm
(int adFormID, GridTab gridTab, ProcessInfo pi) Open a form base on it's ID and a Process Info parametersstatic ADForm
(int adFormID, GridTab gridTab, ProcessInfo pi, String predefinedContextVariables, boolean isSOTrx) Open a form base on it's ID and a Process Info parameters with the predefined context variables from menuvoid
(ProcessInfo pi) -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.adempiere.webui.process
Subclasses of ProcessInfo in org.adempiere.webui.process -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.brerp.apps.form
Methods in org.brerp.apps.form with parameters of type ProcessInfo -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.brerp.bancosbrasileiros.apps.form
Methods in org.brerp.bancosbrasileiros.apps.form that return ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionControllerConciliacaoOFX.conciliarExtrato
(int clientId, int orgId, int accountId, List<Integer> registrosParaConciliar) Método responsável por invocar o processo "Conciliar Extrato Bancário" que irá gerar o Extrato Bancário. -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.brerp.bancosbrasileiros.model
Methods in org.brerp.bancosbrasileiros.model with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(String txId, String endToEndId, String trxName, ProcessInfo processInfd) Metodo responsavel por procesar pagamento da cobraça dentro do BrERP -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.brerp.bancosbrasileiros.util
Methods in org.brerp.bancosbrasileiros.util that return ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ProcessInfo
(int AD_Process_ID, String trxName, Properties ctx, boolean isCloseTrx, int Record_ID, Map<String, Object> params) Metodo responsavel por executar um processo em codigostatic ProcessInfo
(int AD_Process_ID, Properties ctx, int Record_ID, Map<String, Object> params) Metodo responsavel por executar um processo em codigo com transação propria -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.brerp.base.component
Methods in org.brerp.base.component with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBrERPTaxProvider.validateConnection
(MTaxProvider provider, ProcessInfo pi) -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.brerp.base.model
Methods in org.brerp.base.model with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(MCOFHistoricoConsultas hc, ResponseProcessesModel response, ProcessInfo pi) -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.brerp.base.util
Methods in org.brerp.base.util that return ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ProcessInfo
(int AD_Process_ID, String trxName, Properties ctx, boolean isCloseTrx, int Record_ID, Map<String, Object> params) Metodo responsavel por executar um processo em codigo -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.brerp.sped.nfe.grid
Methods in org.brerp.sped.nfe.grid with parameters of type ProcessInfo -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.brerp.sped.nfe.process
Methods in org.brerp.sped.nfe.process that return ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionProcCOFReenviarLote.invocarProcesso
(Integer AD_Process_ID, Integer Record_ID, Trx trx) -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.brerp.tms.base.util
Methods in org.brerp.tms.base.util with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIImpressaoConsolidada.obterPdfsAdicionais
(ProcessInfo pi, MInvoice fatura) Este método é excutado caso o Tipo e Documento Base da impressão consolidada seja Ordem de Venda. -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.brerp.whatsapp.util
Methods in org.brerp.whatsapp.util that return ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ProcessInfo
(Integer AD_Process_ID, Integer Record_ID, List<Integer> Record_IDs, Map<String, Object> parametros, MPInstance instancia, String trxName, boolean isFecharTrx) -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.compiere.apps
Methods in org.compiere.apps that return ProcessInfoConstructors in org.compiere.apps with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifierConstructorDescriptionAbstractProcessCtl
(IProcessUI aProcessUI, int WindowNo, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) Constructor -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.compiere.apps.form
Methods in org.compiere.apps.form that return ProcessInfoMethods in org.compiere.apps.form with parameters of type ProcessInfo -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.compiere.db.partition
Methods in org.compiere.db.partition with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(MTable table, String trxName, ProcessInfo processInfo) Add new partition for new data and migrate data to new partition (if needed by DB)boolean
(MTable table, String trxName, ProcessInfo processInfo) Make existing table a partition tablevoid
(MTable table, X_AD_TablePartition partition, String trxName, ProcessInfo processInfo) Detach an attached table partitionvoid
(MTable table, X_AD_TablePartition partition, String trxName, ProcessInfo processInfo) Re-attach a detached table partitionboolean
(MTable table, String trxName, ProcessInfo processInfo) Run post partition process (if needed) -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.compiere.model
Methods in org.compiere.model with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) boolean
(ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx, boolean managedTrx) Execute the processboolean
(ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) Execute process without closing the given transaction - used from workflow engine.void
(String newColumnName, ProcessInfo pi) Change DB column name (i.e Alter Column)boolean
(Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) Execute online processing of payment (delegate toMPayment.processOnline()
(Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) Process Online Payment.StandardTaxProvider.validateConnection
(MTaxProvider provider, ProcessInfo pi) Constructors in org.compiere.model with parameters of type ProcessInfo -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.compiere.print
Methods in org.compiere.print that return ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDrillReportCtl.getDrillProcessProcessInfo
(int AD_Process_DrillRule_ID, int AD_PrintFormat_ID) ReportEngine.getProcessInfo()
protected ProcessInfo
(MProcess process, MProcessDrillRule processDrillRule, int ad_PrintFormat_ID) Run Process or ReportMethods in org.compiere.print with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(ProcessInfo pi, MProcessDrillRule processDrillRule) Fill Parameterstatic ReportEngine
(Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi) Get Report Engine for process infostatic ReportEngine
(Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, int windowNo) Get Report Engine for process infostatic boolean
(int Record_ID, ReportEngine re, boolean IsDirectPrint, String printerName, ProcessInfo pi) Runs a Jasper process that prints the recordvoid
(ProcessInfo pi) static boolean
(IProcessUI parent, int WindowNo, ProcessInfo pi) Create Report.static boolean
(IProcessUI parent, int WindowNo, ProcessInfo pi, boolean IsDirectPrint) Create Report.static boolean
(ProcessInfo pi, boolean IsDirectPrint) Create Report.static boolean
(ProcessInfo pi) Create Report.static boolean
(int type, MPrintFormat customPrintFormat, int Record_ID, String printerName, ProcessInfo pi) Start Document Print for Type with specified printer.static boolean
(ProcessInfo pi) Start Financial Report.static boolean
(ProcessInfo pi, int WindowNo) Start Financial Report.static boolean
(ProcessInfo pi, int WindowNo, MPInstance instance) Start Financial Report.static boolean
(ProcessInfo pi) Start Financial Report.static boolean
(ProcessInfo pi) Start Standard Reportstatic boolean
(ProcessInfo pi, boolean IsDirectPrint) Start Standard Reportstatic boolean
(ProcessInfo pi, int WindowNo) Start Standard Reportstatic boolean
(ProcessInfo pi, int WindowNo, boolean IsDirectPrint) Start Standard Reportstatic boolean
(ProcessInfo pi, int WindowNo, boolean IsDirectPrint, MPInstance instance) Start Standard Reportstatic boolean
(ProcessInfo pi, int WindowNo, MPInstance instance) Start Standard Reportstatic boolean
(ProcessInfo pi) Start Standard Reportstatic boolean
(ProcessInfo pi, boolean IsDirectPrint) Start Standard Report -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.compiere.process
Methods in org.compiere.process that return ProcessInfoMethods in org.compiere.process with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ServerProcessCtl
(ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) Process Control- Get Instance ID - Get Parameters - execute (lock - start process - unlock)
Creates a ProcessCtl instance, which calls lockUI and unlockUI if parent is a ASyncProcess
Called from APanel.cmd_print, APanel.actionButton and VPaySelect.cmd_generatestatic ServerProcessCtl
(ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx, boolean managedTrxForJavaProcess) Process Control- Get Instance ID - Get Parameters - execute (lock - start process - unlock)
Creates a ProcessCtl instance, which calls lockUI and unlockUI if parent is a ASyncProcess
Called from APanel.cmd_print, APanel.actionButton and VPaySelect.cmd_generatestatic void
(ProcessInfo pi) Create Process Logstatic void
(ProcessInfo pi) Set Log of Process from Database JUST when they are not already in memorystatic void
(ProcessInfo pi) Set Parameter of Process (and Client/User)static void
(ProcessInfo pi) Query PInstance for result.boolean
(Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) Start the boolean
(Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx) Start the process.static String
(Properties ctx, MTable table, String trxName, ProcessInfo pi) static String
(Properties ctx, MTableIndex index, String trxName, ProcessInfo pi) Constructors in org.compiere.process with parameters of type ProcessInfo -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.compiere.server
Fields in org.compiere.server declared as ProcessInfo -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.compiere.util
Methods in org.compiere.util that return ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ProcessInfo
(Properties ctx) Get process info instance -
Uses of ProcessInfo in
Methods in that return ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ProcessInfo
Get ProcessInfo instance of current workflow processMWFProcess.getProcessInfo()
Get process infostatic ProcessInfo
(PO po, String docAction) Run document action workflowMethods in with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMWorkflow.start
(ProcessInfo pi) Deprecated.MWorkflow.start
(ProcessInfo pi, String trxName) Start Workflow.MWorkflow.startWait
(ProcessInfo pi) Deprecated.workflow process run in the same thread, this is meaninglessConstructors in with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifierConstructorDescriptionMWFProcess
(MWorkflow wf, ProcessInfo pi) Deprecated.MWFProcess
(MWorkflow wf, ProcessInfo pi, String trxName) New Constructor -
Uses of ProcessInfo in org.idempiere.adinterface
Methods in org.idempiere.adinterface with parameters of type ProcessInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ReportEngine
(ProcessInfo pi) static ReportEngine
(ProcessInfo pi) Start Financial Report.static ReportEngine
(ProcessInfo pi) Start Standard Report